I ordered 4 wheels and only 2 got delivered.

Please note that we only ship complete orders, however, it's not unusual that shipments arrive in multiple packages. Shipping carriers make their best effort to deliver packages together but they sometimes get separated during shipment and arrive a day or two apart. 

If you received a FedEx package, be sure to look for a tab on the tracking page called "Multiple-piece Shipment". We provide what's called a master tracking number, but when tracking it you can see all associated shipments on the multiple-piece shipment tab, and estimated delivery dates for all pieces associated with the shipment.

If your shipment is not a multiple-piece shipment, it may have shipped in two separate shipments out of different warehouses. In this case, check your inbox for shipping notification emails or your online order history to make sure you've checked all available tracking numbers. Shipments that come from different locations are sometimes delivered a day or more apart. If you've checked and still have a question, contact our customer support team for assistance.

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